Piletilevi advertising terms & prices
All the prices listed below do not include VAT. VAT is going to be added according to the Estonian Law.
Seasonal coefficient to be applied to the rates listed below:
In May, June, July, November and December - 1,2

The banner is displayed in a rotating manner on the main page of the website. Carousel banners now also being displayed on all subpages of events categories, which increases in times banners number of views.
Each banner is displayed for 5 seconds.
Format: .jpg or .png
Dimensions: 2000 рх x 484 рх (please leave at the bottom of the banner free from the text space with a height of 30 px minimum to avoid texts become covered by the website design elements).
For mobile devices dimensions are 1080 px x 1080 px.
On Estonian, English and Finnish site weekly cost of 1 banner is 720 €
On Russian site weekly cost of 1 banner is 340 €

Format: .jpg or .png
Dimensions: 497px x 717px
On Estonian, English and Finnish site weekly cost of 1 banner is 300 € / 600 € since 01.03.2025
On Russian site weekly cost of 1 banner is 200 € / 300 € since 01.03.2025

Format: .jpg or .png
Dimensions: 500 px x 500 px
On Estonian, English and Finnish site daily cost of 1 banner is 300 € / 600 € since 01.03.2025
On Russian site daily cost of 1 banner is 150 € / 300 € since 01.03.2025

Format: .jpg or .png
On Estonian, English and Finnish site daily cost of 1 banner in desktop version is 150 € / 600 € since 01.03.2025
On Russian site daily cost of 1 banner in desktop version is 100 € / 300 € since 01.03.2025
On Estonian, English and Finnish site daily cost of 1 banner in mobile version is 1200 € / 1600 € since 01.03.2025
On Russian site daily cost of 1 banner in mobile version is 600 € / 900 € since 01.03.2025
On Estonian, English and Finnish site daily cost of 1 banner in desktop and mobile version is 2200 € since 01.03.2025
On Russian site daily cost of 1 banner in desktop and mobile version is 1200 € since 01.03.2025
PiletiPost – weekly sent out Piletilevi electronic newsletter. It shares information about actual cultural events happening in and around Estonia. Every Wednesday the newsletter is being sent to over 130 000 e-mail addresses, separately in Estonian and Russian languages.

In the newsletter layout there is up to five main news at the upper part of it. These are with a bigger artwork and more detailed description (up to 400 characters).
Main news block is followed by so-called Category I section consisiting of smaller poster and events basic information (act name / production title, date and venue).
The layout example can be seen here.
EST newsletter pricing
- Main news I - 480 € / 600 € since 01.03.2025
- Main news II - 360 € / 480 € since 01.03.2025
- Main news III - 240 € / 360 € since 01.03.2025
- Main news IV-V - 180 € / 240 € since 01.03.2025
- Category I - 80 € / 120 € since 01.03.2025
RUS newsletter pricing
- Main news I - 300 €
- Main news II - 240 €
- Main news III-V - 180 €
- Category I - 80 € / 120 € since 01.03.2025
The cost is shown for one week.
Promoter can also order a special theme- or event-based newsletter. With a special newsletter it is also possible to conduct for its subscribers a special tickets pre-sale for a particular event. Special newsletter example can be found here.
Special newsletter cost for Estonian-speaking audience 990 €, for Russian-speaking - 715 € / 1980 € since 01.03.2025
Main news artwork dimensions: 800 рх x 400 px. Format: .jpg or .png. Text length - up to 400 characters.
Posters for events in Category I will be taken from our ticket sales system (555 px x 800 px). Category I event title displayed in the newsletter should fit onto two lines in a mobile view (approx. 20 characters). The final version of the title is being set by Piletilevi marketing person.

Ads will be on air once in every 3 minutes / per screen at Piletilevi sales points and once in every 5 minutes / per screen at Circle K petrol stations. That way we can guarantee 14 400 impressions per day and more than 100 000 impressions per week at Piletilevi sales points and 17 000 impressions per day and 119 000 impressions per week at Circle K petrol stations. Combined 220 000 impressions per week total at Piletilevi sales points and Circle petrol stations.
Number of spots are limited.
Advertisement can be placed as a video clip without sound in .mp4 format. Length of the spot can be 10 or 20 seconds. Dimensions - 1920 px x 1080 px.
Or as a static visual with the same dimensions 1920 px x 1080 px in format of .jpg or .png. Static visual will be also shown with the same length of 10 or 20 seconds.
Weekly cost of one 10 seconds-long video clip or image - 180 € / 20 seconds-long video clip or image - 360 € / 720 € since 01.03.2025
Depending on the event type around 90% of all tickets are nowadays sold electronically in PDF-ticket format.
Promoter can use his event(s) ticket for his other events advertisement placement. Let your customers know about other act you are promoting.
In accordance with the agreement, 1/2 of the ticket lower part belongs to AS Piletilevi Group and another 1/2 to Promoter - in case there is an intention to use it for advertisement. In case an event takes place at Alexela Concert Hall, 1/4 belongs to AS Piletilevi Group, 1/4 to AS Tallinna Kontserdimaja and 1/2 to Promoter.
Dimensions of the module 1879 px x 1230 px. In case an event takes place at Alexela Concert Hall, dimensions will be - 1879 px х 615 px.
Format .jpg or .png
This advertisement is free of charge.
Please contact your project manager to place an advertisement on your event ticket.

We help to create cost-effective marketing through Piletilevi page on Facebook. Campaign goals can be set accordingly to promoters needs - either getting more clicks, getting more exposure, promoting ticket giveaways or boosting event posts. Audience can be targeted upon selected parameters - age, sex, location, interests etc. Potential ticket buyers are being directled straight to the event page on Piletilevi website.
1200 px х 628 px
Format .jpg or .png
Video spots can be used as well.
Recomended campaing budget 20 € per day
Coat of the campaign set-up is 115 €
Tickets giveaways
There is also possible to condust tickets giveawas on our Facebook page. Giveaways being launched on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and last for two days. To participate a person needs to answer a simple question. Winner being announced by Piletilevi marketing person. Tickets are provided by the event promoter. Minimum recommended ammout of tickets for one giveaway is 2 x 2.
Visual dimensions 1080 px x 1080 px.
Format .jpg or .png
In text on the visual please put only act name or show production title.
Cost of one giveaway on Estonian page - 75 €.
Cost of one giveaway on Russian page - 50 €.

Google partner websites network in Estonia consists of major part of local news and entertainment portals and other prominent webpages.
We help to create cost-effective marketing through Piletilevi page in Google network. Campaign goals can be set accordingly to promoters needs - either getting more clicks or getting more exposure. Audience can be targeted upon selected parameters - age, sex, location, interests etc. Potential ticket buyers are being directled straight to the event page on Piletilevi website. Advertisement can be done both on desktop and mobile devices.
Banners dimensions
300 px x 250 px
728 px x 90 px
160 px x 600 px
300 px x 600 px
580 px x 400 px
Dimensions for mobile version
320 px x 50 px
320 px x 100 px
Format .jpg or .gif or .png
NB! Maximum weight of the file is 150kB
Recomended campaing budget 20 € per day
Coat of the campaign set-up is 115 €
NB! All the prices listed above do not include VAT. VAT 22% is going to be added according to the Estonian Law.
2. Advertising materials must be sent to Piletilevi three working days before the start of the campaign. In the event of a delay, Piletilevi has the right to cancel the reservation and demand compensation of up to 50% of the price of the reserved advertisement (service) according to the price list.
3. Piletilevi is not obligated to provide the advertising service if the advertisements have not been presented in a format accepted by Piletilevi and/or are not in line with the Language Act or the Advertising Act in force in the Republic of Estonia.
4. Advertising materials which do not comply with the requirements of the Advertising Act or Language Act in force in Estonia or which mention other companies or persons providing ticketing services in addition to Piletilevi, are not be accepted.
5. Piletilevi reserves the right to refuse making a reservation for an advertisement space.
6. Piletilevi reserves the right to make changes to the price list.
AS Piletilevi Group must be notified of the wish to cancel an advertising order in writing at least 7 working days before the advertisement is broadcast. If you wish to cancel an advertising order with shorter notice, you must pay 80% of the price of the ordered advertisement according to the price list.
Kert Ritso | kert@piletilevi.ee | +372 6659531 |
Elena Orro | elena@piletilevi.ee | +372 6659530 |
Kersti Kuldma | kersti@piletilevi.ee | +372 557 5227 |
Irina Raidna | irina.raidna@piletilevi.ee | +372 5885 5986 |
Sirle Kübar | sirle@piletilevi.ee | +372 509 9296 |
Send advertising materials to myyk@piletilevi.ee